Maximizing the value of external specialists

Starting and growing a successful modern SAM and FinOps program can be incredibly challenging. Anticipating that difficulty, many organizations look to managed service providers (MSPs) for expertise and support.

In fact, “by 2025, over 40% of organizations will use managed services to address their SAM and FinOps requirements”.1

Working with an MSP can solve many problems and greatly accelerate your time to cost reduction. To get to that payoff, though, you’ll need significant preparation to choose the right MSP for your organization and establish a solid partnership.

In this complimentary Gartner® report, Cut Software and Cloud Costs With the Right SAM and FinOps Managed Service, you’ll discover a step-by-step framework which will help you:

  • Avoid common pitfalls in selecting a provider
  • Clearly define the mandate and scope of work for your MSP
  • Structure the SOW to support long-term program success

Download your copy and start learning how to achieve maximum value from your MSP relationship today.

Gartner, Cut Software and Cloud Costs With the Right SAM and FinOps Managed Service, Yoann Bianic and Stephen White, 24 January 2024 

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