In August, Microsoft announced a 9-25% price hike for MS 365 to take effect in March of 2022. This announcement has left organizations asking themselves – what exactly are we paying for and are we using it? For many, the answer is no.
The imminent Microsoft 365 pricing increase is one of countless examples of rising software costs affecting organizations everywhere. Gartner is forecasting that 30% of growing expenditure on software and cloud services will go unused*. This makes it more important than ever to take stock of your technology estate.
On December 9th, 2021 Snow Software hosted a live panel discussion exploring the MS 365 pricing increase and mitigating strategies to lessen the budget impact of the price increase.
Watch the on-demand recording to see ITAM experts discuss:
* Critical Capabilities for Software Asset Management Managed Services
By: Rob Schafer, Yoann Bianic, Stephen White