It doesn't seem very long ago that virtual servers burst onto the scene. They were so easy to spin up that they began popping up all over the enterprise. Before long, IT was struggling to rein in server sprawl. Manual management methods—for example, tracking thousands of servers on a spreadsheet—came up short. IT stopped server sprawl in its tracks by automating server management.

IT is experiencing a similar phenomenon today with software-a-service (SaaS). Thousands of SaaS apps are readily available. Individual employees, departments and business units can pay for them with a corporate credit card or submit the charges on an expense report. A large percentage of these purchases happen outside the purview of central IT.

IT is now scrambling to bring this SaaS sprawl under control. Not doing so could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted IT spend. What's worse, shadow SaaS apps can introduce security and compliance risks. IT can't get SaaS sprawl under control with manual app management processes. Once again automation is the answer.

Read this whitepaper to learn why it's important to rein in SaaS spend to minimize risk and how Flexera can help.

A large percentage of SaaS purchases happen outside the purview of central IT. IT is now scrambling to bring this SaaS sprawl under control. Learn how you can control this risk.

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